My Rates:
There is a fee of $65 (per mouthpiece) for the initial assessment.
This is where I measure the tip opening, facing curve and dimensions studying the mouthpiece looking for natural wear or flaws in craftsmanship. Should we decide to make adjustments, the $65 fee is applied towards the cost of any work you have done.
Standard reface:
$400.00 – Solid Silver or Bronze
$350.00 – Brass or wood
$275.00 – Hard rubber
Common Question: “What is a reface?“
Answer: Checking that the table is perfectly flat. Measuring the facing curve to make sure it’s balanced and even, and mathematically proportionate to the tip opening (your choice of short, medium, or long facing lengths.) Finding any bumps or imperfections in the facing curve, and smoothing them out, to create the best surface for the reed to vibrate against. Trimming/cutting the tip, beak, and the tip & side rails so that they are both even and symmetrical. Finishing the baffle profile behind the tip rial. Basically the mouthpiece refacing process checks for any inherent flaws and corrects them, so that the mouthpiece blows even throughout all registers, is reed friendly and projects with ease without sounding bright, shrill or edgy.
**A lot of folks have asked me if I will shape the tip of their mouthpiece to the reeds they play. Since putting this site up, I neglected to mention that this is an integral part of the reface process. This is not a problem at all. I keep a variety of reeds on-hand, but on the off chance you play a brand I don’t have, simply send a couple with your mouthpiece and I’ll happily shape the tip to fit them.**
$100 per/hour for all other procedures and/or custom modifications:
- Finishing rough blanks
- Opening/closing a mouthpiece, or changing the tip measurement.
(For example, the procedure of opening a mouthpiece from a small tip opening like an Otto Link 4 into an 8 is timed at $100 per hour in addition to the reface process) - Adjusting the baffle profile to get the desired projection, and sound quality.
Table Reconstruction, and/or reshaping the sides of a mouthpiece
Chamber expansion
Fixing a cracked or chipped hard rubber piece
- Custom epoxy work (Baffle inserts, repaired chipped Tips, etc)
If you think your mouthpiece needs anything listed above, or has “special needs,” simply write me an email, and ask me a question.
- The $65 initial assessment fee is required up-front.
- Payment is required up-front for custom orders.
- I DO NOT do “rush jobs,” and/or promise to meet any set deadlines.
- Payment for all services rendered must be made immediately after the job has been completed. No mouthpiece will be returned with an open or unpaid balance.
- The customer is responsible for the return shipping costs
I prefer my customers mail their mouthpieces to me. I can take anywhere from 4 – 10 hours refacing, perfecting and play-checking a mouthpiece. I do not like to rush the play-checking period either, as a player’s impression of a mouthpiece can change over time.
I don’t make a habit of working on player’s main #1 mouthpieces; that is a recipe for disaster… I prefer to attempt to work with a piece someone is not happy with, and turn it into a good back up, (or even better) the new #1.
Although I do prefer all work mailed to me… I do offer in-person consultation.